Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week Back

So this week we had class like normal.  Felt kind of weird since we didn't have class any last week.  It wasn't long however until we fell into our normal routine.

On Tuesday we had a bit of a slow start.  We finally got into our grammar shammer groups, and talked about our pop culture papers we had been working on.   I have four people in my group so we split up the days we would talk about our papers.  The one guy in our group did his paper on the refs from the NFL that went on strike.  I liked his paper and felt it was a good current topic.  Next was one of the girls in our group who did her paper on students that go to school year round.  I liked her paper.  (Sorry to the people in my group who's names I didn't put, I did not want to spell your names wrong)

On Thursday in was back to our normal class routine.  We played a game on the computer, then went on the grammar shammer.  After that we went back into our groups and finished up talking about our papers.  I started off with my paper talking about how rap music is more vulgar than country music.  I am not saying rap music is bad (I listen to rap just as much as country) I was just saying it uses curse words more often.  The next paper we talked about was Haley's.  She talked about how pro athletes were getting paid too much, and I agree with her.  I believe that it is wrong that an athlete can make millions of dollars in one year, but the leader of our country only makes $400,000 per year. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you mentioned some of the other topics of the class, I was unaware that people got so creative with their Pop Culture papers & all of them seem so diverse from one another!
