Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year

Well we are now 21 days into the new year.  Hope everyone's new year is going just as good as mine is.

So to catch up where we left off,

The guy I was talking about in my last post is now my boyfriend and he makes the so happy.  Can't believe he's in my life.  He is the sweetest guy ever and I can't believe he was right under my nose the whole time and I didn't even know it.  I have recently gotten a job, and I am enjoying working and having some money to my name.  Going to get myself the Iphone 5 once I've saved up a little bit more.  But I really need it, because my current phone is starting to fall apart and do stupid things.  My spring semester is going great.  So far I like all my classes but one, and that is the Biology Lab.  Thats only because it's a basicaly three hour class, and I can't sit still to save my life.  I'm glad that's only a once a week class.  We had some snow down here on Thursday night that delayed classes till 10, which I thought was stupid cause I only had one class and the teacher was late to the class and we only talked for like five minutes.  So it was a pretty big waste of time and gas on my part.  

Well I hope everyone had an amazing weekend, and I wish everyone a good week at school and/or work!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Catching Up

Well I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas (or holidays) and a safe and happy New Year.  Mine was not as amazing as it would like, but it was pretty good. 

I had my two days of Christmas with my family Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  The Friday after Christmas I got my wisdom teeth taken out and I was drugged for the biggest part of the week.  But my New Years Eve was pretty boring.  I went shopping the first part of the day then I spent the rest of the night at home with the family.  My New Years day was probably the best I've ever had.  The first part of the day I went hunting with my dad, the second part was when it got good.  I came home and ate the traditional southern New Years meal, black eyed peas, but then something amazing happened.  Around 10  that night I had an amazing guy message me on Facebook  and we've been talking everyday since.  He is a really amazing guy, pretty much the male version of me... only thing different so far is he likes the cowboys and I like the steelers and redskins.  Lol but we will make it.

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend.
