Sunday, September 23, 2012


So this week in class we did what the title said. . . pretty much nothing. 

On Tuesday we went to the Library for class, and were given a tour of the Library.  Gotta say I learned only one thing:  they have these sleves that roll, and it's pretty cool.  Watched some idiots. . . I mean fellow college students, try to get crushed in between the shelves.  I worry about our generation at times that being one of the times.  After the tour we went to a conference room, and were given a tour of the schools library website.  Some of the things I knew, because I had taken a class through Bland in high school, but I did learn a bunch more stuff. 

Thursday was grammer shammer.  For those that don't know what grammer shammer is, it is an assignment given to us about grammer.  On Thursday two groups went; the first telling the difference between:  their/there/they're, loose/lose, chose/choose, and affect/effect.  I think there might have been another one, but I can't remember. Oh I remember now! It was the difference between its/it's.  The second group talked about the difference between :/;.  Now it suprises me on how some college students don't know the difference between these, but oh well.  Anyways, after grammer shammer we scheduled conferences to meet with Mr. Sweeny to talk about our paper, or life.  Which means no class all next week!  I don't know what I'll write about then.  Probably write it on the conference.  Mk bye!

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