Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Well everyone it's finally here.  The last post I'm required to post for class, but don't be upset.  I promised I would continue this blog, and you can ask anyone, I don't break promises. 

Well everything is starting to slow down.  Week after next are finals, and I'm so thankful that Mr. Sweeney doesn't have a final in his class.  All we have to do is write the last paper.  That's the only issue that I have right now.  We have to general topic we have to write on, Family, but I'm having so much trouble picking on a smaller topic to write about.  There are two possible topics I could write about, but the problem is I don't know how I could make them into an arugmenative paper.  The two are very close to me, and I feel that it will be very emotional when I write either of theses topics. 

My life this past week has been interesting.  Been hunting with my dad every chance I get, cause as I said in my last post it's really the only time I feel like I get to spend time with him.  So the outcome of me hunting all the time. . . I don't get to go out as much.  Just more time I get to spend on my school work. 

It's been a very yucky day here in good ol' Virginia.  It's raining at the moment, and everyone knows cold and wet do not mix well. . . unless you don't count a dogs nose.  Thats the only time cold and wet do mix well.  Well I'm going to relax for a while.  I just finished taking a final, and I've already had a test and a quiz in the same class today.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


  1. We should talk about those topics and how they can be arguments.

  2. good luck! glad everything is calming down. I cant wait until my life does too

  3. well, i had an awesome day today which is completely different from November 27th. yeah i choose a topic for my third paper its Biracial couples and im talking about how its a normal thing and im going to make it argumentative by saying what the other side on who do not like it, it wont be too hard good luck

  4. Have a great holiday and good luck next semester!
